divergent spherical wave中文什么意思

发音:   用"divergent spherical wave"造句
  • divergent:    adj. 1.叉开的,分歧的;背道而 ...
  • spherical:    adj. 球的;球面的;球形的,圆的 ...
  • wave:    n. 1.波浪;碎浪; 〔the w ...
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  1. Such as , the amplifying effect on the field of divergent spherical wave , the condition of talbot effect to be observed , etc . based on the study of the law and method to generate structured illumination , which is derived from fresnel diffraction law , this thesis offers a structured illumination scheme that is applicable to 3d sensing system . also , computer simulation and 3d shape measurements of real objects are presented
  2. Here , the spatial distribution of fresnel diffraction field and different talbot effects of sinusoidal grating are presented , under three different illuminating conditions . especially , we discussed some interesting properties about fresnel diffraction field and talbot image , when sinusoidal grating is illuminated by divergent spherical wave


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  9. divergent strains 什么意思
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